On May 13, 2020, the Provincial Court of Alberta provided an updated as to court operations from May 25, 2020, to July 3, 2020.
Urgent Family and Child Protection matters will continue to be heard in accordance with the Guidelines and Practice Notes currently in place.
Scheduled, non-urgent Family and Child Protection matters will primarily be heard remotely. In Edmonton:
- Docket court scheduled from May 25, 2020, to July 3, 2020, will be heard via teleconference or videoconferencing and personal attendance will be accommodated where necessary;
- Family trials scheduled from May 25, 2020, to July 3, 2020, will proceed with parties, their lawyers, and witnesses only;
- Judicial dispute resolutions scheduled from May 25, 2020, to July 3, 2020, will proceed with parties and their lawyers only; and
- Pre-Trial Conferences scheduled from May 25, 2020, to July 3, 2020, will proceed via teleconference and personal attendance will be accommodated where necessary.
New family matters cannot be filed, without leave of the Court, until June 1, 2020. Any new matter filed on June 1, 2020, will be scheduled to be heard after July 3, 2020. Self-represented individuals who wish to commence a claim must contact the Family Court Counsellors.
Emergency Protection Orders will continue to be heard in person during court house or by telephone after hours
The previously published Scheduling Plan posted on the Provincial Court of Alberta’s website continues to apply to matters scheduled between March 17, 2020, to May 22, 2020.